Financial Management

In short, Financial Management refers to the business function that is responsible for ensuring profitability and which effectively takes care of cash and credit as well as expenses by applying management principles to an enterprise’s financial resources. Financial Management maximizes a firm’s value for its stockholders by properly planning and organizing as well as directing and controlling its financial activities.

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These Colleges are providing Financial Management

Learning Outcomes

A well-structured program in Financial Management delivers a thorough understanding of the function, roles and responsibilities and the importance of having a competent Financial Department in every organization. It equips the learners with in-depth knowledge about every aspect of financial management as well as risk management even in the dynamic international business context and successfully enhances the students’ communication skills with regard to the use of standard business terminology. Upon successfully completing a course in Financial Management, you will be in a position to carry out analytical reviews of financial plans and proposals and identify various financial institutions and environments as well as funding sources, markets and instruments.


Macroeconomics Microeconomics Risk Management Financial Analysis and Reporting
Accounts Portfolio Analysis Capital Markets Accountancy for Managers
Statistics for Business Security Analysis and Portfolio Management International Economy and Finance Investment Planning and Management
Strategic Cost Management Tax Planning Managerial Finance Managerial Economics
Business Writing Entrepreneurship Strategic Management Management Information Systems
Project and an Internship.

Are you curious to find out how companies are able to always maintain adequate supply of funds or how funds can be utilized efficiently? Would you prefer to be responsible for not only ensuring that an organization’s shareholders get excellent ROI (Return on Investment) but also find it professionally rewarding to create safe investment opportunities? If you answered in the affirmative to any of these questions, then a course in Financial Management will equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools that are needed for this purpose.

If financial planning and taking critical financial decisions interest you and you are passionate about guiding organizations with regard to effective utilization and allocation of their funds, then you are the right candidate for pursuing a course in Financial Management. Are you motivated to enhance the profitability of businesses, ensure their economic well-being and boost their overall value? Then you will definitely find it fulfilling to opt for a career where you can exploit your knowledge in Financial Management.

A highly lucrative career awaits you, once you have completed your studies in Financial Management from a reputed and reliable institute. You can choose from a pool of career options depending on your preference. Some of these options include, but are not limited to, the following-

  • Actuary
  • Corporate Manager
  • Financial Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Credit Analyst
  • Budget Analyst
  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Economic Analyst
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Securities Trader
  • Financial Advisor
  • Financial Planner
  • Auditor